ANY 11 | Legitimate Transcriptions: The Early Work of Charles Gwathmey
July/August 1995
Jeffrey Hildner, Dear Editor
Cynthia Davidson, Dear Reader
Rotislav Svacha, Letter from Prague
Fares el-Dahdah, (Love) Letter from Plano
Ed Robbins, Critic @ Large
Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, Project: Nanyang Polytechnic
Wes Jones, The Nelsons
Sanford Kwinter, FFE
Peggy Deamer, The Question of Form: Probing the Work of Charles Gwathmey
Doug Graf, Square Roots
Stan Allen, Blank Boxes and the Arts of Theory
Greg Lynn, Charles Gwathmey: A Physique Out of Proportion
Cynthia Davidson, A Conversation with Charles Gwathmey